


Science China Technological Sciences期刊:EI SCI CSCD收錄 案例

文章簡(jiǎn)要:《Science China Technological Sciences》期刊是中國(guó)科學(xué)院主辦、Springer出版的英文科技綜合期刊,科學(xué)廣泛涵蓋了諸多技術(shù)科學(xué)領(lǐng)域,包括工程學(xué)、材料科學(xué)、信息科學(xué)與技術(shù)、能源科學(xué)與工程、環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程等。目前, Science China Technological Sciences期刊:EI

  《Science China Technological Sciences》期刊是中國(guó)科學(xué)院主辦、Springer出版的英文科技綜合期刊,科學(xué)廣泛涵蓋了諸多技術(shù)科學(xué)領(lǐng)域,包括工程學(xué)、材料科學(xué)、信息科學(xué)與技術(shù)、能源科學(xué)與工程、環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程等。目前,Science China Technological Sciences期刊:EI SCI CSCD收錄,具體論文發(fā)表該期刊案例如下。

Science China Technological Sciences期刊

  案例一:Influence of oscillation strain on the dynamic mechanical relaxation of a La-based metallic glass

  摘要:Dynamic mechanical relaxation processes, particularly secondary relaxation processes, are closely related to the mechanical and physical properties of metallic glasses. Here the effect of oscillation strain amplitude on the secondary relaxation of a typical Labased metallic glass was studied using the dynamic mechanical analysis method. The apparent activation energy of the βrelaxation is shown to increase with the oscillation strain amplitude. When it changes from 0.02% to 0.16%, the activation...

  案例二:Spatial light modulation for femtosecond laser manufacturing:Current developments and challenges

  摘要:Since the invention of lasers, spatial-light-modulated laser processing has become a powerful tool for various applications. It enables multidimensional and dynamic modulation of the laser beam, which significantly improves the processing efficiency,accuracy, and flexibility, and presents wider prospects over traditional mechanical technologies for machining three-dimensional, hard, brittle, or transparent materials. In this review, we introduce:(1) The role of spatial light modulation technolog...

  案例三:Restoring ancient civilizations with “Herit-Materials”:Technological advances in its studies

  摘要:Cultural relics are man-made objects left from ancient times, with historical, artistic, and scientific values. Multi-interdisciplinary research of cultural relics would enable people to obtain a variety of information associated with them, from which the restoration of ancient civilization was possible. Due to natural weathering, many cultural relics are in a fragile state, and conservation treatments that can prolong their lifetime are important, which may involve the use of conservation mater...